Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Bored. End of Story.

I took a really long nap after work today... which means I'm not going to be able to get to sleep until like, oh, 3 o'clock in the mornin'. Awesome.

I should be doing one of the following (or more than one):

  • exercising (at 11:41 pm?! Yeah...)
  • reading my scriptures (14 pages a day...)
  • taking a shower (have I mentioned how much I hate taking showers?)
  • cleaning my room (the only time I EVER clean my room is really late at night)
  • brushing my teeth
  • getting a drink of water (my friend Valery told me that when  you don't drink enough water, you get hangnails. Guess who currently has so many horrible, painful hangnails. That'd be me.)
  • getting another drink of water
Since I'm so awesome at procrastinating (seriously, it's one of my specialties), I'm not doing any of the afore mentioned things, and instead... I will sit here and talk about nothing. 

For example: I know a lot of people who hate cop cars so much, they turn into any random neighbor hood if a cop car is behind them. Fun fact about me: Cop cars don't bother me. I passed one on the freeway today (as in, he (or she?) was going really slow, so I passed him (or her?)). No big.

Example #2: I love Camp Loll. SO much. Seriously. I could talk ALL day long about how much I love Camp Loll. I love the stars. I love going to star parties with the staff. I love living in the forest all summer long. I love that it is so cold at night, that I have to sleep with 5 blankets and a hoodie on to stay warm. I love waking up to the breakfast bell. I love scouts (because Camp Loll is a scout camp... just in case you weren't aware). I love writing letters to people back home. I love wearing my scout uniform. I love how everyone always smells like either aloe-vera lotion or bug spray. I love watching the boys on staff retire the American flag every Friday night. I love breathing fresh air. I love watching storms roll in over Lake of the Woods. I love watching people do their swim check in Lake of the Woods. I love flag ceremony. I love the camp fire bowl, and the water front, and the landing, and the chapel. I love that church is only 1 hour long (I know it's horrible that I love that...). I love that church is held outside over looking Lake of the Woods. I love that no one cares what you look like. K. If I don't stop now, then this will go on forever.

Example #3: I cut my own hair tonight. because I was bored. When I finished, I thought it looked horrible. But it doesn't, so don't worry. I cut my own hair all the time. As in, I haven't gotten my hair cut by an actual hair cutter in... like, 2 years. I convinced my friend to cut her own hair... and she cut it too short and got really mad at me. So, don't cut your own hair. Unless you really want to. I know lots of good, instructional youtube videos for you to watch. Oh! One time, I thought I would look awesome with bangs that go straight across my forehead. So I watched a youtube video about it, and then went ahead and gave myself bangs. I looked horrible. What's worse? My bangs were so short they wouldn't stay to the side unless I used gel. And then it turned out that I had the same hair gel as one of the boys I worked at Camp Loll with. Moral of this story? There isn't one.

Example #4: The only time I am motivated to do anything... is really late at night. So, I think I'm going to go to beauty school in January (maybe if I got to beauty school I'll be able to cut my own bangs without looking stupid. Do they teach you how to cut your own hair in beauty school?). The only problem is that I have yet to call the school and... I don't know, enroll. I always forget to do it during the day, or when I do remember, I just don't feel like looking up the number and taking the time to... do what ever it is you have to do to enroll. And now, at 12:13 in the morning, I find the motivation. 

Example #5: I use pinterest. Almost religiously. Almost. And there is this super funny pin I saw that I just need to share with everyone. It says: "Whenever I get sad, I stop being sad and start being awesome." Isn't that so great? I'm going to make a poster with that on it and hang it in my room. There is another one, it's one of those Fact #... whatever. It says: "2035. When your throat hurts because you were trying to sing like Adele". No joke, I do that every day. I work in Salt Lake, it's like a 30 minute commute from my house, and every day "Someone Like You" by Adele comes on, and every time, I sing along with her at the top of my lungs. Also, I recently learned that she pernounces her name 'A-dell'. I always thought it was 'Ah-da-lay'.

Example #6: I type so many things on blogger than never actually get posted because I feel like they are lame and pointless.. and this is kind of the epitome of lame and pointless... yet, I'm posting it anyways. That way I won't feel like I've wasted the past 40 minutes of my life. Also, I am officially SO thirsty. And my hangnails are really starting to bug me.

1 comment:

  1. seriously? Ah-da-lay?! ARE YOU FREAKING CRAZY?! how have you avoided hearing her name pronounced?! hahahahhahah I laugh at you darling!
