Monday, January 31, 2011

Pah-Las-Ah-Mah is dumb.

Don't you hate it when you go in to donate plasma or something, and the people looking for your vein's can't find any and then they tell you that you can't donate plasma because you don't have enough vein's? I do. I also hate grocery shopping. I wish there were such thing as a drive through grocery store. I actually wish that my fridge would just magically stay stocked and that I wouldn't have to spend money or leave my apartment whenever I want food - but I figure that a drive through grocery store will probably be invented before a magical-self-stocking-fridge. I know, I set my sights high.

My brand new bright and shiny ATC!
Last night my room mates and I introduced ourselves at ward prayer. We each brought five items that represented us. I brought a PS2 paddle, a scout uniform, a boomerang, a Japanese fan, and an ATC (for rock climbing). We had all of our items laying on the table at the front of the room with cards by them that gave a description of what they were. We split our ward in to two teams and had one person from each team  alternately come and pick an item, then their team would have to guess who it belonged to. A couple minutes into our game, one young man came up to the table to choose an item. After assessing all of the things on the table, he picked up my ATC. Now, a little thing about rock climbing equipment: hardware - like carabiners, ATC's, quick-draws - cannot be dropped. If they are dropped from a certain height, they get micro-fractures and can never be used again. So, this young man picks up my ATC and starts spinning it around his finger as he read it's description. This is a guessing game, right? His team was supposed to guess who the ATC belonged to. However, before he could even finish reading the card, I panicked and yelled, "Oh my gosh! Please be careful with that!" The whole room went kind of silent for a split second and then his team all started shouting, "Oh, well now we know who that belongs to!" Embarrassing, huh? Yeah, it was. But at least I stopped him before he tossed my ATC (that I haven't even used yet!) across the room.