Sunday, December 11, 2011

Family, isn't about ti- Dad?

Funny Story #1:
This story has THREE different background stories. No worries, it's worth it (and they're all really short (as in, like, 3 sentences or less (for each one))).

Background Story #1
My late grandpa, Charles Hancey, was in the Navy during WWII. On Veterans Day, 2010, my grandpa was in a parade in Ogden City. He stood proudly on his float, waving an American Flag, and wearing his old Navy pea coat.

Background Story #2
It has been a tradition in my family for as long as I can remember to visit my grandparents house every Sunday evening. Along with my dads brothers and sisters and their kids, my family and I would all gather in my grandparents front room for good conversation and, of course, cake and ice cream.

Background Story #3
Pea coats are making quite the fashion statement these days. Among boys and girls. As in, I got a pea coat last winter, and for his 17 birthday this year, my little brother got a pea coat.

And now...

The Actual Story
I went with my dad and my little brother to my grandma's house tonight (as per usual on a Sunday evening). As we were getting on out coats and such before we left, my dad noticed my little brother wearing his fashionable pea coat. He told my little brother that my grandpa's old Navy pea coat was still hanging in the closet in the front room of my grandma's house. As you might have guessed, my little brother definitely wanted to see it. Upon entering my grandma's house, the first thing my dad and little brother do, is riffle through the closet in the front room looking for my grandpa's coat.

"Oh, here it is!" States my dad, as he pulls the coat off the hanger.

"Wow, it's a lot longer than mine," notices my little brother.

"Yeah, and the arms are really small," replies my dad.

"Why is your dad putting on my winter coat?" asks my grandma.

The end.

Turns out my grandma's (shin length) women's pea coat was hanging right next to my grandpa's (waist length) Navy pea coat, but my dad didn't notice until he was already wearing my grandma's coat (also, realize that my grandma is a small, skinny woman... and my dad's not (it's not that my dad is fat, he's just not a small, skinny woman). It was super funny.

Funny Story #2
Kaleigh and I bought passes to the gym (I could say "the end" right there and count it as a funny story). On Saturday night, we decided we would go running (at the gym we just joined). However, before we left, we decided we were hungry. So... wewenttoCostaVidaandgotfood. We decided it would be better to eat first, then go run all our calories off. After enjoying our SALADS (that's right kids, we were healthy), we got back in the car and drove to the gym. Only to find an empty parking lot. Turns out the gym closes at 6 on Saturdays. So what do we do instead? We go to Walmart. We always go to Walmart. Don't worry, we bought healthy snacks! And, we spent at least an hour walking around, which is goo-ood! And we also read a magazine article about Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart getting married (I think they should have just made the ceremony in Breaking Dawn real, but whatev's). And also, an article about Ryan Gosling (who is a complete BABE, btw).
That's the end. Okay, that story wasn't that funny... Except that it really was, because we skipped going to the gym earlier to eat. Yeah... okay.


  1. Ali Hancey, (Just Saying) You are the funniest blonde/notblonde girl I know. You deffinatly type the way you talk. You are A.W.E.S.O.M.E.

  2. That may or may not be the best compliment I've ever recieved. Received? Hmm. You're the best, Jake Law.

  3. I want to comment too!
