Thursday, December 15, 2011

Today I...

Let's play a game. It's called "Today I..." All you have to do is list all the weirdo things you did today. I'll start.

Today I...
Ran a stop sign. Hard core.
Gagged when I heard a Bruno Mars song on the radio (no joke).
Ate an entire bag of cough drops
Sang the Barney clean up song to 5th graders at the top of my lungs (they loved it! jk)
Wore the same shirt I wore last night... (that's an embarrassing one to admit)
Watched way too many episodes of HIMYM (like, 7)
Was patient (trust me kids, that's a weirdo thing for me)
Forgot my water bottle when I went to the gym
Fell in love. With Neil Patrick Harris. Even though he is gay.

Ran a stop sign. Hard core.
There was a traffic light super close to the stop sign, and traffic was all backed up. When the light turned green, I (for some reason) assumed I could go right after the car in front of me. Without stopping at the stop sign. I don't know if that made any sense, but that's how it went down. I ALMOST crashed into another car, and ALMOST called them a hoser... and then I realized it was my fault and felt like a COMPLETE idiot.

Gagged when I heard a Bruno Mars song on the radio.
Seriously. I'm soo done with Bruno Mars. And Katy Perry (I'm sorry if that offends anyone). I listen to the radio everyday on the way to and from work, and Bruno Mars and Katy Perry are soo over played. I don't gag when I hear Katy Perry, fyi.

Ate an entire bag of cough drops.
I realized after I bought them (and had eaten half the bag) that they are, in fact, throat drops. No wonder I had to eat so many before I could feel a difference. Just kidding. Kind of.

Sang the Barney clean up song to 5th graders at the top of my lungs.
They wouldn't clean up their messes and it was almost time to go home... so I threatened them with Barney. When they still refused to clean up, I had no choice but to sing the song. If I didn't, then they wouldn't take me seriously, and I just can't have that. And also it was really funny. I had to sing at the top of my lungs because they were all screaming, "NO!!!" as loud as they could.

Wore the same shirt I wore last night.
I wore a cute shirt to a concert last night, and I didn't see anyone I knew, so I wore it again today (I was only wearing the shirt for like, 2 hours yesterday) (Seriously, why am I admitting this??).

Watched way too many episodes of HIMYM.
It's just so funny!

Was Patient.
I waited for something to happen before just doing it myself. Big accomplishment.

Forgot my water bottle when I went to the gym.
Do you have any idea how embarrassing that is? Because it's embarrassing. (Remember how my life is an embarrassing story?). So I walked briskly on a tredmill for 47 minutes instead of running or jogging. Hey, 11,000 steps? You bet.

Fell in love with Neil Patrick Harris. Even though he's gay.
Ali: "I love Neil Patrick Harris!"
Kaleigh: "You know he's gay, right?"
Ali: "He is not!"
Kaleigh: "Hey Cache, come here."
Cache: "What do you want?"
Ali: "What is the first thing you think of when I say: 'Neil Patrick Harris'?"
Cache (without missing a beat): "Gay."
Seriously kids, I love him.

And now you officially know way more about me than you ever wanted to, huh? (I've officially admitted way more than I wanted to...) Kbye. 

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